Whey Protein New Zealand Manufacturers
Probiotics and Protein Your New Best Friend
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Probiotics are powerful things: They boost your immunity and keep your stomach in check. So, clearly, you need to be taking them. But did you realize that these miniscule organisms could actually make you a better athlete? It’s true. When you combine them with a high-quality protein, amazing things can happen.
Why probiotics and protein?
As mentioned, probiotics are masters at keeping your immune system at its best. They trigger your body’s ability to fight off infection and disease. And as you probably know, protein is the nutrient that promotes muscle growth after you exercise, making you stronger and more capable of achieving your workout goals. So how do they work together? The probiotics keep you healthy, and the protein improves your muscle mass, and when these effects merge you will be able to train longer and harder.
What’s the proof?
If you don’t want to just take our word for it, you can turn to the study recently completed by the University of Tampa and Increnovo LLC. They, too, knew the benefits of probiotics and protein individually, but they had a feeling these nutrients would be even more potent together. And they were right. Their study looked at 10 healthy adults in their early twenties. The subjects were already involved in resistance training so that the study could strictly measure their improvements.
Half of the athletes were given 20 grams of protein twice per day, while the other half were given the same amount of protein in addition to a dose of an extremely effective probiotic (which just so happens to be the exact same one you will find in our Probiotic IsoXp).
By the end of the study, the lucky five individuals that received the probiotic and the protein were able to jump higher, lift weights with more vigor, and they even had less fat. Pretty impressive results considering probiotics were the only variable.
How much should I take?
Somehow, we knew that would be your next question. When something allows you to improve your athletic performance while boosting your health, you absolutely want to partake in it. And we make it super easy. Our Probiotic IsoXp contains both the potent probiotic and the high-quality protein that work together to keep you strong and full of life. It’s delicious, sweetened with stevia, and will make you realize your true potential once and for all. What are you waiting for?