The muslim is the person who gets happy with his good deeds and becomes sad about his sins.
There is no reward for accepted pilgrimage except for paradise.
A man in the heaven is given the power of 100 men in sex with an endless desire.
Marry a virgin with whom you exchange play and laughter.
Unjustice is darknesses on judgement day.
I left with you what if you kept to,you would never go stray: allah book and my sunna(way of life) so bite them with your grinder.
Man respect lies in the beard and the turban.
Victory is with patience and easiness is with difficulties.
I and you when I try to keep you away from hell are like a man trying to keep insects away from fire but they fall in it .
Keep to perfumes
The worst lies are claiming to dream of what you did not dream
Those claiming having what they don't have are like the wearers of 2 garments of falsehood
If you arenot keen on this world , it will come to you humbly .
If you felt a movement in your back while praying,don't end the prayer as long as u didn't smell a wind or hear a sound.