The Kiss in the Tunnel 1899 - 1st Shot Continuity - George Albert Smith

2017-04-07 20

The Kiss in the Tunnel 1899 - 1st Shot Continuity - George Albert Smith
A train moves down the track. In a car, seated next to each other in a companionable way, is a couple who are reading, probably wife and husband. As the train enters a tunnel, the man abandons his reading, turns to the woman, and kisses her; she is somewhat reluctant. As the train leaves the tunnel, they return to their books.
Un tren entra en un túnel y la oscuridad es aprovechada por una pareja que se halla en un camarote para besarse. Obra representativa de la llamada Escuela de Brighton, contiene un travelling subjetivo sorprendente para la época y una evidente y entonces escandalosa simbología erótica.
George Albert Smith (4 January 1864 – 17 May 1959) was an English stage hypnotist, psychic, magic lantern lecturer, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, inventor and a key member of the loose association of early film pioneers dubbed the Brighton School by French film historian Georges Sadoul. He is best known for his controversial work with Edmund Gurney at the Society for Psychical Research, his short films from 1897 to 1903, which pioneered film editing and close-ups, and his development of the first successful colour film process, Kinemacolor.

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