Shooting Captured Insurgents 1898 - 1st Yellow Journalism - James H. White/William Heise

2017-04-06 7

Shooting Captured Insurgents 1898 - 1st Yellow Journalism - James H. White/William Heise
James H. White (né en mars 1872 en Nouvelle-Écosse, au Canada et mort en 1944) est un producteur, directeur de la photographie, réalisateur et acteur canadien.
William Heise (1847–1910)[1] was an American film cinematographer and director, active in the 1890s and credited for more than 175 short silent films.

Heise is best known for "directing" The Kiss, an 1896 short film that depicted a kiss between May Irwin and John Rice. Direction, at this early stage in cinema, consisted mainly of pointing a stationary camera in one direction and capturing whatever action transpired within the frame. Along with W. K. L. Dickson, Heise was one of the most prolific filmmakers of the nascent days of cinema. He worked with Dickson on many of the early shorts, capturing numerous scenes of everyday life as well as different aspects of performance and sport. He served as cinematographer on 1894's Bucking Broncho and many others.
Thomas Alva Edison (Milan, Ohio, 11 de febrero de 1847-West Orange, Nueva Jersey, 18 de octubre de 1931) fue un empresario y un prolífico inventor estadounidense que patentó más de mil inventos y contribuyó a proporcionar, tanto a Estados Unidos como a Europa, los perfiles tecnológicos del mundo contemporáneo: las industrias eléctricas, un sistema telefónico viable, el fonógrafo, las películas, etc.

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