6 January 2017: Mike Buchanan makes a statement outside Isleworth Crown Court

2017-04-05 11

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The vexatious legal action against Mike Buchanan for allegedly obstructing the highway in Parliament Square for a very short time during an anti-MGM protest on 1.6.16 rumbles on. He was originally found guilty of the charge by a female judge at Hammersmith Crown Court, but demanded a retrial at Isleworth Crown Court.

His 21-page legal defence - produced with the support of Ian, his legal counsel, a tip of the hat to him - resulted in the lawyer instructed by the CPS requesting an adjournment for a full-day trial, given the 'interesting and important legal issues raised'.

That trial will take place on Friday, 3 March, starting at 10am. We hope to see some supporters there, and we thank those who turned up for the latest hearing, including Geoff, Mike, and Ian (pictured), Tom and Ray.

Onwards and upwards!