Stop Bullying Campaign Ep. 1 KB’s First Day - Take a quiz to see how much you know about bullying

2017-04-06 1

Stop Bullying Ep. 1 KB’s First Day - Being the new girl at school isn’t easy for KB.

KB has her first day at a new school where she walks into Cassandra, a kid at school that bullies others, and gets teased in front of the class.

Ep. 1:

Ep. 2:

Ep. 3:

Ep. 4:

Ep. 5:

Ep. 6:

Ep. 7:

Ep. 8:

Ep. 9:

Ep. 10:

Ep. 11:

Ep. 12:


Take the Quiz:

Question 1: Why do you think KB didn't want to go to school?

A) It was her very first day at a new school, and she probably was scared because she didn’t know anybody.

You’re probably right! Have you ever been the “new kid” at school or on a team? Do you remember feeling “butterflies” in
your stomach? Did someone make you feel less scared? Is there someone at school who you could help out? Are there any
other good answers?

B) She had to wear clothes that weren’t very cool, and she was afraid of what the other students might think of her.

Yup. Have you ever worried about kids making fun of clothing that you wear? Are there any other good answers?

C) She hated science and wasn’t looking forward to science class.

No way! KB LOVED my Science Camp over the summer and she seemed really excited when she saw me again.

Question 2: Why didn’t KB just refuse to wear the new clothes that her mother bought for her?

A) Maybe she decided that the clothes weren’t so bad after all.

I kind of doubt it.

B) She thought that would hurt her mom’s feelings.

I agree. Her mom bought the clothes as a special surprise for KB and might have felt bad if KB refused the gift. Are there any
other good answers?

C) KB probably didn’t have any better clothes.

Probably. It sounds as if KB’s mom bought her a whole closet of clothes that weren’t very stylish. Have you ever had kids
make fun of your clothes or the way you looked? Why did they do that? How did it make you feel? Are there any other good
answers to this question?

Question 3: Why did I call KB "Fluffernutter"?

A) I was making fun of her name.

Of course not! I would never make fun of a student. Try again.

B) I made a mistake in trying to pronounce her name.

Yup. KB’s last name — "Floofinatta" — is pretty hard to pronounce. I goofed. Sorry, KB!

C) I mixed her up with another student whose last name was "Fluffernutter."

In all my years of teaching I’ve never met a student with the last name "Fluffernutter." Try again.

Question 4: Why do you think Cassandra called KB a "freak"?

A) KB bumped into her.

Maybe. That’s a pretty poor reason to call someone a name, isn’t it? Are there any other good answers?

B) Cassandra was just kidding.

I don’t think so. It didn’t sound like friendly teasing to me. Try again.

C) She was making fun of KB’s clothes.

I agree. That was pretty mean, wasn’t it? How would you have felt if you were KB? Have you heard anyone call another person a mean name? What could you do to stop it?

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