Are there other Universes like ours out there ?

2017-04-05 1

Consider Superman. Like many characters from the pages of DC Comics, the man of steel has suffered from incongruous story lines.
Early writers gave him the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Later, they upgraded the power to flying.
Eventually, DC simply proclaimed that both the flying and leaping versions of Superman existed, each in its own separate universe.
Soon dozens of alternate-universe Supermans existed, ranging from the medieval British Superman "Kal" to the Soviet Superman featured in "Red Son."
Hugh Everett III's 1950s Many-Worlds theory argued that the universe we know is but one of infinite parallel universes, each different from the last.
In some of these universes, the difference would be slight -- such as a parallel universe where everything is the same except you had a bagel instead of cereal for breakfast this morning.
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