Rescued baby sloths in Costa Rica

2017-04-04 15

These are the baby sloths of Toucan Rescue Ranch who lost their mothers. They are orphaned by car accidents, electrocution, dog attacks and deforestation. When the orphans arrive at the Toucan Rescue Ranch they are put with other sloths matching their size, health and skill levels. They play on ropes tied to rocking chairs to learn how to navigate moving branches in the wild. These babies are “Preschoolers”. Once they gain health and weight they graduate to “High School”. They have around the clock care by a sloth team and a personal vet. Once they reach weight requirements and show natural behaviors they are placed in a large pre-release enclosure in the rainforest. In this pre-release enclosure, they develop the final natural behaviors required to be released as fully wild and free animals. This journey of an orphaned sloth’s rescue, rehab and release normally takes 2 years.