Neverwinter: WildStar – Games Like Neverwinter

2017-04-03 7

Neverwinter: WildStar – Games Like Neverwinter

Hello and thank you for viewing this short summary for the MMORPG, Neverwinter. In this brief video how WildStar Online is a game that is similar to Neverwinter and why you should play Neverwinter now for FREE.

WildStar Online is a great Sci-Fi MMORPG video game. WildStar Online takes you to a Planet named as Nexus. Your task is to explore the whole planet of Nexus, encounter and fight off the alien invaders. These alien invaders are also searching for the technology and possible occupation of the planet. You must follow the story-line and eliminate all the alien enemies in order to save the Eldan technology and resources. Aliens are divided into two of the most deadly factions of the universe known as The Dominions and the Exiles. They both are fighting against each other for domination and you must eliminate both of them. Develop new skills, keep on upgrading your character, weapons and inventory. WildStar Online offers immensely action and thrill filled game-play in which it allows you to engage yourself into epic PvP and PvE combats against the enemies.

Neverwinter is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Players can become one of eight Dungeons&Dragons character classes and form groups of up to five player characters. Neverwinter is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition rules set. This includes the use of healing powers and action points. It's not an MMO in the sense that there are not zones with a bunch of players. You are not fighting for spawns. The story-line is strong throughout the game. It is more of a story-based game similar to Dragon Age or Oblivion.

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