1 June 2016 - Protests at Home Office, Parliament Square, Mike Buchanan's arrest

2017-04-04 6

Our thanks to E for editing together a number of videos to arrive at this, a record of our anti-MGM protests outside the Home Office - the ministry into which the police report - and in Parliament Square, on 1 June, 2016. The section on Mike Buchanan's personal protest in Parliament Square starts at 5:37. The action for which he was later charged with obstructing the highway lasted just seven seconds, from 13:31.

Our protests were against the police for not arresting those who carry out the criminal offence of MGM. On 15 June we shall be protesting outside the offices of the Crown Prosecution Service for their part in not defending male babies, infants, and children, from the barbaric procedure, which leads to so much physical and psychological suffering.