New Poll Finds One-Third Of Voters Give Trump An 'F'

2017-03-31 6

As the 45th presidency reaches the 75-day mark, a new McClatchy-Marist Poll indicates that 1 in 3 voters, or about 33 percent, rate President Trump an “F."

As the 45th presidency reaches the 75-day mark, a new McClatchy-Marist Poll indicates that 1 in 3 voters, or about 33 percent, rate President Trump an “F." 
22 percent of voters graded him a "B" and 15 percent each gave him an "A," "C" and "D."
On the other hand, in 2009 around this time, 58 percent of respondents gave Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama an “A” or “B” and only 11 percent gave him an “F.” 
According to the recent survey, "only 38 percent of registered voters said they approved of the job Trump is doing as president, compared with 51 percent who disapproved."
The poll's results suggest that Trump’s personality may be playing a significant role in his poor perception.
70 percent of voters, including 45 percent of Republicans, find his Twitter use “reckless and distracting.” 
The Hill notes that "the survey was conducted from March 22-27 and surveyed 1,062 adults, which includes 906 registered voters."
It comes on the heels of major setbacks for the Trump administration, including the failure to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, and continued allegations about Russia-Trump ties.