The two planets involved in your finances – Jupiter who occupies your money house and Venus your actual financial planet are both retrograde this month. Prosperity is happening albeit in a complicated convoluted manner. Financial deals seem to go backwards instead of forwards. Minds change and then keep changing.
People may sign contracts and not keep up to their commitments. Payments may come with great delays and efforts from your side. Patience is the call of the hour; the deals of individuals can fall through but overall prosperity is seen. Other opportunities will come to replace them.
Venus moves backwards to your 7th house on the 2nd and spends most of the month there. This enhances your financial intuition as Venus is placed itself in your spiritual house Pisces. But because she is retrograde you need to verify your intuition before executed or applying in true sense.
A second opinion during retrogrades is always wise. This aspect also shows a tendency towards partnerships and joint ventures, before embarking get mental clarity which starts to happen after the 15th.
Your 8th house of regeneration was powerful last month from the 20th onwards and is still powerful in the month ahead until the 19th. Your partner will support you and pick up the financial slack happening to you.
Health remains good even gets better after the 19th. There are some long-term planets (even Mars) stressing you out. Vitality seems good and spiritual healing will be more effective on the 13th&14th.
In February, the planetary power began to shift from the bottom to the top half of your horoscope. The shift is even stronger now as Mars moves into your career house on the 21st, so in general you are more ‘outer oriented’. The two planets involved with the home & Family are retrograde this month – so family issues need time to resolve. Focus more on the career.
Mars in your 10th house shows much activity & aggressive in the career. Be prepared for changes happening around you.
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God Bless
Dolly Manghat