Taurus Apr 2017 Astrology Predictions: Rethink Investments And Purchases, Avoid Hasty Decisions

2017-04-01 8

Continue to gain clarity on your goals until the 15th. This is important as When Venus moves forward on the 15th you will be entering your period of personal power, you will be able to make the changes you have been long planning for, and these changes will be good. You will possess power to create conditions as you want them to be.

Continue your spiritual interests until the 19th you will actually experience miracles happening after that date. You will gain an internal strength which shows outwardly too.

This is a very happy month for you as Sun moves into your own sign on the 19th Your family will be very supportive of you & your plans. As you have the energy and star like appearance, during this period others will also gravitate towards your persona. Spiritual therapies will always do you good especially for your mind body and soul.

Finances remain strong though more complicated as Mercury brings windfalls and financial opportunity. Mercury goes retrograde on the 9th indicating that your financial thinking could be unrealistic, hence avoid making any hasty decisions- major purchase or investments. This is the time to think rethink and jot down your plans only to take action once Mercury moves forward again.

Those who owe you money can change their minds during the retrograde or delay certain actions. Use the delays to gain clarity and set goals for the future.

On the 21st Mars will move into your money House (Mercury moves backwards into Aries on the 20th ) Financial intuition will be there but you will need to verify facts during this period before taking any decision.

Financial guidance will come in dreams or through other spiritual sources last but not the least if you are a patient listener then often when people talk you can take the hints. Its important that you confirm your insights with reliable sources before you act on them. Mars in your money house will incline you to make quick financial decisions but you must resist the urge until Mercury starts moving again early next month.

You could experience success in your career on the 13th -14th as you could be making some breakthroughs this will make you successful and higher ups appreciate your work.

The planetary power is beginning to shift to the lower half of the chart, this shift becomes stronger next month even though you may start to feel it from the 19th onwards which actually means de-emphasizing career and paying attention to your emotional well-being.

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God Bless
Dolly Manghat