Bill O’Reilly accused of Hitler-like racism for joke against Maxine Waters; apologizes!

2017-03-30 12

So everyone is ganging up on Bill O’Reilly for this joke he made on Fox and Friends, that towering Trump-sucking black hole of political analysis.

What he said was that he didn’t hear anything Maxine Waters said because of her “James Brown wig.”I dunno guys. That’s not really racist. Would it have been OK if he had compared her hair to a white guy’s hair? What’s the secret formula here?

There are genuinely racist things to get upset about, and this isn’t one of them. This isn’t going to inspire neo-nazis to attack Maxine Waters or other African-Americans. This is going to inspire guffaws from his audience, and that’s it. Get over it, we have real problems to tackle. Like mayonnaise in guacamole, c’mon white people!!


He apologized.

“As I have said many times, I respect Congresswoman Maxine Waters for being sincere in her beliefs. I said that again today on Fox & Friends calling her old school. Unfortunately, I also make a jest about her hair which was dumb. I apologize,” O’Reilly said in a statement.

This is very odd, since he says a lot of questionable things all the time and never apologizes. Oh well.