I want us to become a unified majority, and that means we’re going to sit down

2017-03-29 2

I want us to become a unified majority, and that means we’re going to sit down
and talk things out until we get there, and that’s exactly what we’re doing.”
“We saw good overtures from those members from different parts of our conference to get there because we all share these goals,
and we’re just going to have to figure out how to get it done,” Mr. Ryan said.
“Don’t worry,” he tweeted later Monday night, “we are in very good shape!”
Mr. Ryan said House Republicans were determined to use the next version of the repeal bill, like
the first version, as a vehicle to cut off federal funds for Planned Parenthood clinics.
Affordable Care Act Repeal Is Back on the Agenda, Republicans Say -
WASHINGTON — House Republican leaders and the White House, under extreme pressure from conservative activists, have restarted negotiations on legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act, with House leaders declaring
that Democrats were celebrating the law’s survival prematurely.
Any deal would require overcoming significant differences about how to rework a law
that covers about one-fifth of the American economy, differences that were so sharp they led Mr. Trump and Mr. Ryan to pull the bill from consideration just as the House was scheduled to vote on Friday.
“I think everyone wants to get to yes and support President Trump,” said Representative Dave Brat, Republican of Virginia and a Freedom Caucus member.
Mr. Trump has sent mixed signals in recent days, at times blaming the Freedom Caucus, outside groups and even, it appeared, Mr. Ryan.

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