Emmy Rossum Antique Jewelry Stolen

2017-03-28 56

Law enforcement in Los Angeles has themselves a string of celebrity burglaries to deal with and the latest victim is Emmy Rossum.

According to TMZ the star was in New York City when the heist went down, and her housekeeper stumbled upon a crime scene of evidence. The power was off and a back door had been smashed open. Lying wide open with nothing inside were two of Emmy’s safes where $150,000 worth of antique jewelry had been laying.

According to sources, Emmy must have had some trouble remembering the codes to her safes because they were written down next to them! Luckily nothing else was taken from the home, but it does make us think. Who would know to steal such a thing?

It’s the latest in a string of robberies to hit celebrities in the area recently. The latest victims include Jamie Pressly, Kendall Jenner, and Alanis Morissette among others. These robberies are starting to sound all too familiar; it’s getting to be a long list!

Hey LAPD, if you need some help, you can always call in THIS guy!