Schumer On Tax Reform: Republicans Will Make Same Mistake 'They Made On Trumpcare'

2017-03-26 18

Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer has warned that the Republicans will “repeat the same mistake they made on 'Trumpcare' with tax reform.”

Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer has warned that the Republicans will “repeat the same mistake they made on 'Trumpcare' with tax reform.” 
The Senate Minority Leader made the comment Sunday on ABC News’ ‘This Week’ after talking about the GOP’s failed bid to repeal Obamacare. 
Schumer noted, "the president campaigned as a populist against the Democratic and Republican establishments. But he's been captured by the hard right wealthy special interests. That's who loved his proposal on the Trumpcare, because it gave huge tax cuts to the rich." He continued, "If they do the same thing on tax reform, and the overwhelming majority of the cuts go to the very wealthy, the special interests, corporate America, and the middle class and poor people are left out, they'll lose again."
On Friday, Trump indicated that he was ready to move on from health care to tax reform, telling reporters during an Oval Office press conference, “We'll be going right now for tax reform, which we could have done earlier, but this really would have worked out better if we could have had some Democrat support. Remember this: We had no Democrat support. So now we're going to go for tax reform, which I've always liked.”
Despite his optimism, some observers have pointed out that the failure of the Republican health care plan could bode poorly for their tax reform plan. House Speaker Paul Ryan admitted after the bill was pulled, “Yes this does make tax reform more difficult. But it does not in any way make it impossible. We will proceed with tax reform.”

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