This system of exercises was presented to the world public grandmaster sifu Wong Kiew Kit's. And now everyone can study this wonderful system of exercises. Eighteen Lohan Hands perfectly rejuvenate and heal our whole body. And also improve our entire inner world. Our soul is healed, karma! And most importantly, our mind develops, leading our consciousness to awakening! And a breakthrough is possible in the higher spheres of the spirit. That is, enlightenment and the attainment of the state of nirvana. As the great Buddha did. According to legend, this system was invented by Bodhidharma (Damo) in the caves near the Shaolin monastery. It is important to understand that it is possible to achieve higher spheres only with impeccable practice. Correctly systimatizing the exercises, supplementing them with the necessary for each individual practitioners. This can help a competent mentor. It is also important to know that improper execution of such a complex can seriously damage your health, therefore the author of this video is not responsible for possible trvavmy when doing exercises from this video!