By late Wednesday — after the editor of Channel 4 News, the British television program
that had incorrectly named Mr. Izzadeen as the attacker, issued an apology — the Wikipedia entry was eventually scrubbed of the false allegations.
Fake Sleuths: Web Gets It Wrong on London Attacker -
Hours after the terrorist attack in London, online sleuths thought they had identified the assailant.
LoudLizard, a moderator of the site, updated the webpage eight hours after the assault, saying
that Mr. Izzadeen had been “wrongfully named as involved in Westminster attack.”
Wikipedia’s moderators were again quick on Thursday, this time relying on official sources.
Four hours after the fatal assault, an anonymous moderator updated the online entry to include the attack, the website’s revision records said.
Not only was Mr. Izzadeen not the assailant in Wednesday’s attack, but he was also in a British prison, according to his lawyer, Tanveer Qureshi.