This is the Pistol Used to Execute the Last of the Russian Tsars

2017-03-24 1

This Colt pistol is one of the most notorious weapons in Russian history. Bullets fired from this pistol were responsible for the death of the Nicholas II, the last Tsar of the Russian Empire, an assassination which led to the rise of communism in Russia and which would alter the course of history.

Nicholas II, the last monarch of the Romanov dynasty, ruled from November 1 1894 until his forced abdication on March 15, 1917. Nicholas II and most of his family were executed in the basement of the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg on July 17 1918, ending 300 years of dynastic rule by the Romanov family.

The death of the Tsar and his family helped to usher in the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, and to cement their grip on the reigns of power in Russia.