You Will Never Believe What Pineapples Can Do To Your Body If You Eat It

2017-03-22 36

Pineapples are a great source of numerous nutrients, such as manganese, folate, vitamin C and copper.
Pineapple is one of the most popular tropical fruit in the world. This fruit is also the only source of bromelain, a potent plan compound. Bromelain is related to many heath benefits. Such as cancer prevention, enhanced immune function, better gut health and improved wound healing.
Today, you can pineapple in almost every grocery store and in many homes around the world. Many studies have proven that increasing consumption of plant foods as pineapples reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and overall mortality and promotes a healthy skin and hair, lower weight and increased energy. Due to their unique content of bromelain, pineapples have great health benefits, including:
1. Diabetes
2. Blood pressure
3. Age-related macular degeneration
4. Asthma prevention
5. Digestion
6. Healing and Inflammation
7. Fertility
8. Skin
9. Heart health.
10. Cancer
A cup of fresh pineapple chunks contains about:
- 82 calories
- 0 grams of cholesterol
- 0 grams of fat, 1 gram of protein
- 2 milligrams of sodium
- 21 grams of total carbohydrate