The White House is NOT SAFE for President Trump, Warns Former Secret Service Agent

2017-03-19 5

“Do you want to secure the President’s life or not? It’s a simple question!”

Dan Bongino, former Secret Service agent and political candidate and activist, has had just about enough of the security fiascoes at the White House, and in both a Facebook live video and a Loud Dobbs interview on Fox Business, he lets it all out.

Here is with Lou Dobbs on Friday:

“The security plan is completely broken. The agency is broken. The management has failed the people and, frankly, they’ve failed the President of the United States. They need to be flushed out from the top down.”

That’s quite an indictment. He also says that he’s had calls, texts and otherwise from other agents and former agents who completely agree.

Bongino went into more detail on a Facebook live video just after the most recent incident, yet another fence-jumper.

“He’s not safe in there. I’m telling you right now, he’s not safe in there.”

Considering the constant barrage of bad news and security lapses and even stolen equipment, it’s hard to argue with him. Something has to change at the Secret Service.