Well I must say I didn’t see this coming:
DAILY BEAST – On Friday morning conservative mirror-yeller Tomi Lahren made an appearance on The View, a show that is still on. At the end of her appearance, she and the gals spent several seconds discussing why she is pro-choice.
Yes, conservatism’s next rising star, enemy of man-hating feminists everywhere, believes that women should have access to legal abortion.
“I’m pro choice, and here’s why,” Lahren said. “I am a constitutional, y’know, someone that loves the Constitution. I’m someone that’s for limited government. So I can’t sit here and be a hypocrite and say I’m for limited government but I think the government should decide what women do with their bodies. I can sit here and say that, as a Republican and I can say, you know what, I’m for limited government, so stay out of my guns, and you can stay out of my body as well…”
The audience applauded.
You can watch the full interview below, but the pro-choice thing comes at the very end
Lahren thinks she’s being clever with this ‘don’t touch my guns, don’t touch my womb’ defense, but it’s pretty stupid when you think about it.
It is against the law to murder someone with your gun! And when it comes to abortion, conservatives argue it should be against the law to murder a baby in the womb.
Why? Because it’s exactly the same thing! A baby is a person in the womb that deserves protection in the law just as people do out of the womb. There is no difference! Murder is murder!
How she can’t see that is beyond me.