What is Trump defending? It DAMN sure isn’t American credibility – Jake Tapper

2017-03-18 3

Jake Tapper went on a tear, again, against the president who just wants to make American great again by making unsubstantiated claims about Obama, and the damnable traitorous media just won’t let him!!!

For shame, Jake!!! If you don’t like what a plurality, almost a majority, of Americans voted for in the election then you should just go back to Tapper-land or whatever third world truth-hole you durn climbed out of!!! Merica! MAGA!!

Also, there was a report that Trump apologized to the Brits for the report, but Spicer said NO, we never apologize!! And now Fox News says it doesn’t back Napolitano’s claim that Trump used to accuse the Britons. Uhm… MAGA!!