Schedule Your Restaurant for a Professional Drain Cleaning Regularly

2017-03-16 8

Perfection Plumbing & Drain Cleaning Ltd. - - Schedule Your Restaurant for a Professional Drain Cleaning Regularly - Blocked drains can cost restaurants a lot of money and business, that’s why you should schedule professional drain cleaning services regularly.

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Restaurant drains get a lot of use in the kitchen
And with food waste regularly washed down the sink
Your draining system can easily get blocked
Grease can also build up in your plumbing system
As it sticks to the inside of pipes
You can train staff not to flush food waste down
But blockages could still happen
Ask a plumber to visit your restaurant regularly
And check for any drainage or piping issues
This will stop clogs and reduce foul odors
So your drains don’t disrupt operations
Contact Perfection Plumbing & Drain Cleaning, Ltd.
For expert help in keeping your pipes clear!

#4 1100 7th Ave. N., Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2V9
Contact Number: (306) 652-9556