Men & The Beard - Islamic Advice HD Thought Provoking by Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Salah

2017-03-10 1

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Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaathuhu
This question is concerning an advice on keeping the beard, growing the beard, and whether it is permissible, recommended, or mandatory. I will quote a few ahadith first, then I will get straight to the hukm or the ruling. Many ahadith came confirming the fact that the Prophet (ﷺ) ordered Muslim men to grow their beards and to trim their moustaches. He (ﷺ) said in one hadith: 'Trim your moustache and save (not shave, save) the that, you are doing the opposite of what the disbelievers do.' We do it as an act of worship, we do it as a Ibadah, it's not a fashion. In another hadith he began by saying: 'Do the opposite of the Mushrikeen, save the beards, and trim the moustaches' and 'huffush Shawaaribah wa 'aful liha' is a text which is collected by both Al Bukhari or Muslim (may Allah have mercy on them) and it proves in the same context, in the same meaning and the very famous sound hadith, in which the Prophet (ﷺ) counted ten traditions of the pure nature. It was not only prescribed by Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), but it was there with the rest of the Prophets and the messengers before him (ﷺ). He (ﷺ) began by saying...trimming the moustache, saving the beard and we know that in the Quran Prophet Haroon was still in his brother Musa (alayhissalaam), when he was angry with him, at the misdoings of bani Israel when they worshipped the calf, he said, Haroon was trying to free himself from the sin of bani Israel by saying to Musa (alayhissalaam) reminding him to have mercy on him, he said...he grabbed him from his beard and from his head. So this is not an unprecedented tradition, it is a tradition that was prescribed to all the Prophets and their true followers before Muhammad (ﷺ). It is one of the traditions of the pure nature or Al Fitrah and the Ulama (scholars) concluded from that, that growing the beard is a must, and this is a opinion of the vast, vast majority.

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