ADNAN OKTAR: Hypocrites praise each other to an unimaginable extent, to the point of insanity. This is the method employed by the British deep state. For example, they praise Lawrence so much that it is as if they have lost their minds. The female spy Gertrude Bell; they praised her to such an extent that she went insane. One praises the other and the other praises him back. Mutual praise is vital among hypocrites. And they claim to be superior to others in terms of intelligence, wisdom and quality. They praise their home regions, home cities, their towns, and their lineage. They praise their own race. In other words, they have an astounding sense of superiority, to the point of madness. Hypocrites are also witless; they carry out hypocritical deeds blatantly. However, hypocrites always have the tendency to seek refuge in God's forgiveness and mercy. They believe they will go to heaven despite all their deeds. It is actually quite easy to identify a hypocrite; social media accounts are like identity cards in that sense. Take a look at their social media accounts and you will immediately find out if a person is a hypocrite. Hypocrites never broach any subject that does not serve their purposes and will bring up every subject that does. They are quite deceptive. They praise others where they have an interest, and become silent where they do not.
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