I’m not sure how many caught this but during the Obamacare replacement bill press conference last hour, Paul Ryan took a swipe at the conservative opposition.
Watch the video below and pay attention to the portion that starts at 1:08
The question was about the depth of concern yesterday from conservatives over the current health care bill, and after Ryan explained how the bill came about in the House he then said this:
“I think what you’re seeing is we’re going through the inevitable growing pains of being an opposition party to becoming a governing party. And in being an opposition party we had divided government – 64% of our members have never known what it’s like to work with a Republican president, to have unified government.
So it’s a new feel, a new system for people. But it’s all the more reason why we have to do what we said we would do and deliver for the American people and govern, and use our principles. That’s what this is.”
Ryan is essentially characterizing the conservatives who have substantive issues with this bill as just being stuck in opposition mode, stuck in the last 8 years, not having transitioned to ‘governing’ mode.
How lame is that? He’s treating conservatives just like Democrats have treated Republicans with substantive policy issues in the past, as the party of NO.
They’re just saying no because they’re so used to saying no over the past 8 years.