Morning Joe has AL SHARPTON BIBLE-SHAME Republicans into supporting gov’t healthcare!

2017-03-09 8

In an unbelievably hypocritical segment on Morning Joe this morning, halfwit Joe Scarborough actually brought on Al Sharpton to shame Republicans about healthcare. Because the Bible is all about forcing individuals into a government mandated healthcare.

Watch these idiots below:

Sorry Joe, I don’t remember Jesus telling people that the way to serve the poor is to steal from others using the force of the government.

The good Samaritan has nothing to do with the government. Jesus telling the rich man to sell everything and give to the poor had nothing to do with government. When have either Al Sharpton or Joe Scarborough done that, if that is their understanding of the Bible?

And, then Scarborough LITERALLY says they disagree on how to provide healthcare, Sharpton through the government and Joe through self-reliance – but the ENTIRE segment is shaming Republicans about self-reliance!!

In this second clip, the anti-Semite Sharpton, who has used slurs against Jews his entire life, has the gall to whine about Republicans not doing enough to speak out against anti-Semitism!!!

No one mentions how Sharpton led riots in New York City that caused the death of innocent Jews, no, they’re too busy whining about what Jason Chaffetz said about iPhones – which, by the way, Obama once said too!!!

This is a shameless race-pimp who is nothing but a parasite on society when he’s not releasing toxic gas to divide people, and Joe Scarborough brings him on to tell people about how Jesus loves Obamacare. It’s just amazing.