God forgets those who forget Him

2017-03-08 14

ADNAN OKTAR: Almighty God creates every conversation, every behavior in a way that is pleasing to the believers; destiny should be followed patiently. Everything happens for a reason. It is God Who gives everything, Who takes away, Who informs about everything and make everything speak; when this fact is remembered, God loves His subjects, when this fact is forgotten, it offends God. In other words, believers should always remember that all the power and might belong to God. When people leave God alone, He leaves them alone. God says in the verse of the Quran, "If you forget me," I seek refuge in God from satan, "then I forget you." Do you know what being forgotten means? It means to become lost in a fathomless darkness, may God forbid. It is to go down into the well of Gayya in an endless fall. "Remember Me and I will remember you," says God. "Forget Me and I will forget you," He says. If the subject does not care about God, then God does not care about His subject. Almighty God says in the 152nd verse of Surah al-Baqara; "Remember Me – I will remember you. Give thanks to Me and do not be ungrateful." Ungratefulness is one of the things God despises. I seek refuge in God from satan, in the 53rd verse of Surah az-Zumar, Almighty God says; "Say:  ‘My slaves, you who have transgressed against yourselves, do not despair of the mercy of God. Truly God forgives all wrong actions. He is the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.’"  Even if a person is a hypocrite or an unbeliever, that person might repent and find the true path, but if a person tries to deceive God, God will damn him every time. Trying to trick God will bring nothing but trouble. A person should not be fond of, admire, try to flatter or become a sycophant of the irreligious. Surah al-Fath, 4: It is He who sent down serenity into the hearts of the believers thereby increasing their faith with more faith. Look, "into the hearts of the believers", I seek refuge in God from satan. "...thereby increasing their faith with more faith." For what purpose? For increasing their faith with more faith. What is it? The sense of serenity. This is why people have weaker faiths where there is anarchy and terrorism. Feeling of security and serenity bring with them contemplation and profundity. "The legions of the heavens and the earth belong to God:" Look, "The legions of the heavens and the earth belong to God," in other words, angels and jinni, and the legions of the earth, that is the Chinese, Russian and Turkish armies. They belong to whom? "They belong to Me," says God.  "God is All-Knowing, All-Wise." For example, when an army attacks somewhere, it is God Who makes them attack. In the 28th verse of Surat ar-Ra'd, God says, "Those who have faith and whose hearts find peace in the remembrance of God. Only in the remembrance of God can the heart find peace." If a person does not believe in this, no matter how many pills he takes, no matter how much he chatters, no matter how much he beats himself up, no matter how much he tries to ingratiate himself with the irreligious, he will be overwhelmed by troubles. The salvation lies only in the remembrance of God. If a person does not remember God, suffering will beset him. In the 51st verse of Surat at-Tawba, God says- I seek refuge in God from satan; "Say: ‘Nothing can happen to us except what God has ordained for us." It is God Who creates every toothache, every health problem, every itch. "He is Our Master." It is in God that the believers should put their trust." For example, while sitting, a person feels the urge to itch his cheek. That itchiness feeling is an inherent reflex that exists before even being born. He softly scratches his cheek with his hand to ease that sense of itching. Or for example, he feels his foot ache a little. That feeling is ready even before he was born. These are created one by one, down to the finest detail. Therefore, one should ask for everything from God.

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