Mike Pence stating that the USA will be a nation under God is praiseworthy

2017-03-08 947

KARTAL GÖKTAN: The Vice President of the USA, Mike Pence used the expression "One nation Under God" for the people of the USA and said the following: "I also ask you to pray for our country.  Pray that we might find our way forward as a nation, that we might renew the American dream. To heal the divisions in our country and move forward to a more prosperous future.  And move forward with firm reliance on providence as one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

ADNAN OKTAR: If one says such words, his path will wide open. This is perfect, then he can rest easy. Very nice. He spoke in the tone of a true believer. Read us again please. 

KARTAL GÖKTAN: The Vice President of the USA, Mike Pence used the expression "One nation Under God" for the people of the USA.

ADNAN OKTAR: Mike Pence spoke beautifully. 

KARTAL GÖKTAN: And said the following: "I also ask you to pray for our country.  Pray that we might find our way forward as a nation, that we might renew the American dream. To heal the divisions in our country and move forward to a more prosperous future. And move forward with firm reliance on providence as one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

ADNAN OKTAR: First, the government should reopen the closed-down churches. It should purchase them. Some of them have been transformed into pubs and some into discos. This is unacceptable. Even if only a handful of people would be visiting the church, they should still be reopened. And also, more people will surely follow. If the people cannot pay for the needs of the church, then the state should cover the expenses. Churches should not be closed down. Nor synagogues, nor mosques. What do you mean it lacked the funds? What does a church need to remain open? What does it need? It only needs electricity and heating, that is all. All the churches that have been closed down should be reopened. Doing so will bring blessing and beauty. Of course, we pray and continue to pray, the American dream is a great beauty admired by the people. God granted them this beauty because they were a pious nation, but when their piety faltered, He took the beauty away. And now He will grant it to them once again, insha'Allah, through the blessings of Jesus Messiah (pbuh). They are clearly blessed with the blessings of Jesus Messiah (pbuh). Mr. Erdoğan should also continue to support them to the best of his ability; so should Putin, and also Iran. Pakistan and India can also support them. All Turkic states should give their support. And together, help this country to weather these hard times. May the USA return to its former prosperity and piety. They should stay away from trouble. We should save them from the grasp of the British deep state. When the USA breaks free of the hold of the British deep state, it will enjoy a great felicity and beauty. Britain's intervention will come to an end. This will be one of the major reasons for the people of America to achieve prosperity. The USA is spending all of its money and means on the aggressiveness of the British deep state. What are you doing in Iraq, in Syria, in other countries? What is it that you seek to achieve by shedding rivers of blood? What do you have to do with Afghanistan? Give them books, grant them knowledge. If you set an example, they will follow suit. For example, Jews do not have a hard time preaching their religion; their devout piety is more than enough. The entire Arabic world followed their example. They envy the piousness of the Jews.

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