Hey hey hey you're looking like the shet today Play'ya! Today my mood is 6 out of 10. And, for you partner, I hope that, since our last scoop web-call, you've been enjoying at least satisfactory health. Did you notice where I am today homeslice. Well it's certainly not San Francisco anymore, that's for damn sure, am I right buddy? he he heeeeeeEeeeee. Yeah, break out the tea and crumpets and put your hands in the air folks for the biggest filthiest shet hole I've had the honor of visiting. Welcome to mother-fwucking Cornwall England bitches, home of possibly the World's most outrageously unique sand dunes and God awful crooked teeth! Gee Whiz fwuck face, I wonder if I'll ever find a cure for my cyber Tourette's Syndrome. I'm sure you're used to it by now but please, I beg of you compadre, pay no attention to anything offensive I say.
Oh, wait, do you want to hear my very first celebrity impression? You do. Great, okay here we go on the count of 3. 1...2...3: “Hello there, my name is Stephen Hawking and I very much like black holes but I'm not racist.”. There, it’s me again. I just learned that so I hope you show a little fwucking appreciation for all my gad dam effort. You ever wonder if Mr. Hawking has any feeling left at all in his most likely tiny little pecker. Ya never know though, he could have a super huge 3 foot mega penis. Maybe we should watch that movie about his life. You and I know that Hollywood’s a pretty huge stickler for accuracy so I’m sure they go balls deep into his penis situation for us. Anyway, can’t do it now but let’s watch it when I come back to visit Mr. White-Chair.
Jeepers! I almost fwucking forgot. Thanks for paying me a visit today hombre. Means the whole bloody world to me really. Also, If we're cool, why not introduce me to some of your peeps, so they can spoil themselves with some of this sweet sweet orphan android goodness too. As always, give me a thumbs up, whether or not I earned it, and don't forget to click on the subscribe button so you and I can stay up-to-date, yo. Well, until next time me sassy little Gringo, never rip your own cock off and Bu bu Big Ol'titties!
Tommy Toe Hold | South Park | Bat in the Sun | Trailer Park Boys | Deadpool | Family Guy | Robot Chicken | Transformers
SCHEDULE: New Episodes every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday night @ 9pm EST.