A hilarious sketch by comedians Tom and Hubert featuring two civil servants who are tasked with making Brexit happen, after all the other government employees were sacked due to cuts.
The short film, titled - Two Ordinary Men, One Extraordinary Task: Brexit - features characters called Mark and Joe "trying desperately to keep up with each and every governmental u-turn as it comes."
Summarising the sketch, Tom and Hubert continued: "Mark and Joe have been pushed to the brink by Theresa May's lack of clarity. Their courage and strength has been severely tested by Jeremy Corbyn's inability to engage with anyone outside of Islington. They are quite literally at the end of their tether.
"These two are not friends but somehow they must find a way of working with one another - it's a massive job and the future of our country is in their (in)capable hands. It's down to Mark and Joe to make sense of something which, in all honesty, makes no sense at all," they continued.