American Foreign Office Report On Money Laundering

2017-03-06 402

Pakistan is strategically located at the nexus of south central and western Asia, with a coastline along the Arabian Sea. Its porous borders with Afghanistan, Iran and China facilitate the smuggling of narcotics and contraband to overseas markets. The country suffers from financial crimes associated with tax evasion, fraud, corruption, trade in counterfeit goods, contraband smuggling, narcotics trafficking, human smuggling/trafficking and terrorism. The black market economy generates substantial demand for money laundering and illicit financial services.
Common methods for transferring illicit funds include fraudulent trade invoicing, money service providers, hundi/hawala, and bulk cash smuggling. Criminals utilize import/export firms, front businesses, and the charitable sector to carry out such activities. Pakistan’s real estate sector is another common money laundering vehicle, since real estate transactions tend to be poorly documented and cash-based. Pakistan’s national savings schemes appear vulnerable to money laundering, and laws providing certain immunities to foreign currency remittance accounts seem to provide an avenue for both money laundering and tax evasion.

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