Pisces Mar 2017 Astrology Predictions : Rare Venus Retrograde - Be Careful With Your Communication

2017-03-11 4

When the Sun entered your sign on February 18 you began one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks. This continues until the 20th of this month and brings the physical pleasures to you, you will feel pampered and good about yourself. You will exude a star like quality, regardless of your age or stage in life the light of the Sun creates beauty and radiance about you.

The Sun’s entry in your sign last month also brought and is still bringing in happy job opportunities for job seekers. The beauty of this that you need not make much efforts things will just happen for your benefit. You can accept and reject whatever you want at will.

The love planet mercury is still in your sign until the 13th . Love is still very happy and very much on your terms, you just need to
be yourself and everything just falls into place.

On the 20th the Sun enters the money house and you begin a yearly financial peak. The financial intuition is still very powerful,
money comes from your work- the normal way and also through social contacts and family. Joint ventures or partnerships are expected to be to your benefit.

In your chart Venus is the planet of communication she rules your 3rd house, and makes one of her rare retrograde on the 4th so be
more careful in your communications during the retrograde period which lasts till April 15th. Not the right time to make any major
purchases postpone the same till after 15th of April. You could perhaps do your survey and make notes.

Venus’s retrograde has some financial implications too as your financial; planet Mars moves into your house of communications on the 10th. Deals or sales can be delayed or go backwards. Give special care to your communications in regards to financial matters. Handle all details perfectly. The retrograde of Venus will not stop your prosperity only slow it down a bit.

Health remains good though you can enhance it further through proper diet and exercise.

Looking for a personal consultation?
Please contact me on connect@dollymanghat.com with your date, time and place of birth.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat