The National Security Council reflects the chaos: Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, the national security adviser hired after

2017-03-06 5

The National Security Council reflects the chaos: Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, the national security adviser hired after
Michael Flynn’s firing, inherited a council of career staff members and nervous, often unqualified Flynn loyalists.
None of this is surprising to people familiar with Mr. Trump’s managerial style, a kind of mom-and-pop approach involving a tiny knot of family members and loyalists
that is poorly suited to a federal government with three million employees around the world.
Home Alone in the Trump Administration -
President Trump has appointed fewer than three dozen of the top 1,000 officials he needs to run the federal government.
This means the White House has to get cracking, especially to fill roles vital to national security and the economy.
The federal agencies are effectively run by Trump “beachhead” teams, some 600 people
who mostly are campaign donors, Trump employees, pals or allied politicos.
Other cabinet officials, including Rex Tillerson at the State Department, have encountered hurdles at the White House.
Many know little about the agencies they inhabit, and they are understandably resented by career staff members.