Malaysia Forces Out North Korean Ambassador

2017-03-05 3

Malaysia Forces Out North Korean Ambassador
BANGKOK — The government of Malaysia declared North Korea’s ambassador "persona non grata" on Saturday
and gave him 48 hours to leave the country, a major break in diplomatic relations after the airport assassination of Kim Jong-nam, the half brother of North Korea’s leader.
Earlier, Mr. Kang had ignored a request to apologize for several inflammatory statements, including
questioning the police finding that Mr. Kim was murdered with a banned nerve agent.
Mr. Kim, the elder half brother of North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, died on Feb. 13 less than 20 minutes after two
women wiped poison on his face as he prepared to check in for a flight at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
Mr. Kang referred to Kim Jong-nam only by the name on the passport he was carrying, Kim Chol,
and sought to have his body handed over to the embassy before an autopsy could be performed.
For this reason, the ambassador has been declared persona non grata." Mr. Anifah noted
that the police had released a North Korean man arrested in the case, Ri Jong Chol, for lack of evidence on Friday.
He said it was "proof that the investigation is conducted in an impartial, fair and transparent manner, as befits a country
that practices the rule of law." Declaring an ambassador persona non grata is one of the harshest measures a country can take short of breaking off diplomatic relations.