‘It’s a Democrat idea they’re trying to dress up in Republican clothing’ – Rand Paul

2017-03-05 2

Rand Paul laid out why he calls the Republican proposal to replace Obamacare is just “Obamacare light” today on Fox News. He gave three reasons why he says it’s just a Democrat idea they’re trying to dress up in Republican clothing.

He says that there’s a new entitlement in the bill in the form of refundable tax credits, that they’re keeping the cadillac tax on premium insurance policies, and he says that the mandate has changed only in that people have to pay a penalty to private insurers instead of the federal government. He presents a pretty good case.

Paul also defended the administration on Sessions and the Russians. Here’s the entire interview on Fox News.

I really find it out how Rand Paul was so critical of Trump in the primary, to really a personal degree, but now appears to overreach to defend his administration. But then maybe he really does believe what he’s saying…