Nedzad Salkovic - Ne klepeci nanulama

2008-05-11 127

Ne silazi sa čardaka,
I ne pitaj gdje sam bio.
Zašto su mi oči plačne,
Zbog čega sam suze lio?

Stajao sam kraj mezara,
I umrlu majku zvao.
Nosio joj dar od srca,
Ali joj ga nisam dao.

Ne klepeći nanulama,
Kad silaziš sa čardaka.
Sve to mislim, moja draga,
Da silazi stara majka.

Don't come down from the balcony
and don't ask where I've been
why my eyes are full of tears
why I've been crying

I went to the graveyard
and called for my mother
I brought gifts from my heart
that I could not give to her

Don't make that noise with your shoes
as you come down from the balcony
because I always think, my dear,
that it's my mother coming down