Health Office Karachi West is Under High Level of Corruption Since 25 Years By The Gang of Four Vaccinators

2017-03-02 35

District Health Office District West Karachi, Health Department Government of Sindh, is in under high level of corruption since last 25 years by the gang of four vaccinators who using all the helath department govt Sindh resources for district west for their own interest and personal wealth growth either then rest of the district west population.

They operating the huge network of ghost employees in district west 40% health officers and official are on ghost employment in terms half of their monthly salaries, this gang of four operating hundreds of Quick doctors, in district west fake doctors are known as quacks. Quick, they operating large numbers illegal medical stores, means medical stores without govt permission and licences Mr. Altaf Vaccinator and Mr. Wahab Vaccinator collecting monthly, from all Qucks and illegal Laboratories and illegal medical stores under the administration of district health officer Karachi West.