JAKARTA, INDONESIA — Hashtag “makan mayit” — which means “eat corpse” — is what Indonesian artist Natasya Gabriella Tontey calls her latest project, a strange work that has drawn condemnation from government ministers and the public.
The exhibition opened on Feb. 25 in a restaurant in South Jakarta. Tickets to the event, in which patrons dine on food resembling brains and dead babies, will set you back around $40.
The artwork has been judged by netizens to have crossed a line.
Viral photos even show one dessert — a red blob of pudding — looking a little too much like a fetus. Natasya’s point, apparently, is to invite patrons to experience the sensation of eating a baby.
In an interview, she said her art project is part of a social experiment. She wants to see the public’s reaction to cannibalism.
Netizens, however, were overwhelmingly disgusted by the idea and have called Natasya a psychopath. She responded that psychopathy and cannibalism have long been a part of being human. Take that, trolls!