沒試過漂浮的朋友們,這次讓漂浮師父 班傑 Benji 跟小徒妹 Lara梁心頤 教你吧!尤其在這種擁擠的城市裡,相信大家偶爾也會感受到心靈的疲憊。雖然第一次挑戰可能對某些人會是個很陌生的感覺,但到最後一定會讓你更瞭解自己的!補充心靈養分的旅程,正式出發!
Those of you who haven’t tried floating yet, let the master Benji and newbie Lara teach you! Especially in concrete jungles such as Taipei, I’m sure we’re not the only ones who feel spiritually exhausted at times. Although the first time trying it was a strange feeling, you’ll come out of it understanding yourself better! So what are you waiting for?
Doug Maxwell/ Zac Zinger-Hon Kyoku
Twin Musicom-Haunting Dreams
Doug Maxwell-Bansure Raga