Even Ana Navarro was impressed with Trump’s speech last night…

2017-03-02 4

If you’re new to politics, you should know that Ana Navarro doesn’t not like Trump at all. She’s a Never-Trumper through and through and hardly ever has anything good to say about him. Just read her Twitter feed for since he’s been president.

Everyone is talking about Trump’s tone this morning, so much so that there isn’t much, relatively speaking, being said about the substance of the speech. And as Navarro suggested, whatever they did to Trump to make him this way, they should keep doing it.

But it wasn’t just his tone she was impressed with. She loved how he gave a full-throated condemnation of the anti-Semitic attacks at the beginning of his speech. She loved how unifying he sounded for a change.

Trump really shocked the country last night. If you’ll notice, he hasn’t tweeted anything controversial today at all. Sounds like he’s enjoying this and wants to keep it going.