Police Help 99-Year-Old Woman Cross Jail Off Her Bucket List

2017-02-27 30

For one woman in the Netherlands, crossing an item off of her bucket list required the cooperation of area authorities.

Many people have a list of things they’d like to do before their time on Earth runs out like travel, jump out of an airplane, and write a novel.
For one woman in the Netherlands, crossing an item off her bucket list required the cooperation of area authorities, reports WPVI.
99-year-old Annie from the town of Nijmegen-Zuid wanted to go to jail.
More specifically, her desire was to “experience a police cell from within."
Not wanting to stand between Annie and her dream, local police cuffed her and tossed her in a cell, notes UPI. 
They even went the extra mile, taking photos of Annie in the lockup then posting them to Facebook.

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