Girl, 8, killed as car crash leads to road rage shooting

2017-02-27 12

HOUSTON — The life of a little girl was cut short over the weekend following a car accident in south Houston that ended with shots being fired.

On Feb. 25 at around 2 a.m., Toyia Thomas was exiting the highway as her 8-year-old daughter De’Maree Adkins slept peacefully in the backseat. As she was crossing through an intersection, Thomas saw another car racing through from another direction. Unable to stop in time, the two cars collided.

Thomas immediately looked over to check on De’Maree, who was still fast asleep and unharmed. That is until another car suddenly drove up beside her. A woman exited the vehicle, pulled out a gun, and started firing shots at the car.

The driver involved in the collision left the scene, followed by the shooter. When Thomas checked on De’Maree this time, she saw a blood stain on the child’s jacket. De’Maree had been shot in the chest. She died from the bullet wound at a nearby hospital shortly after, ABC News reported.

The drivers of the other cars involved have yet to be tracked down. Police have not figured out a motive for the senseless attack. Thomas believes an extreme act of road rage is what robbed her daughter of her young life.

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