As Michael McFaul, a former ambassador to Russia, says, “The inauguration speech sounded like things I’ve heard from Russian nationalists many times.”

2017-02-22 1

As Michael McFaul, a former ambassador to Russia, says, “The inauguration speech sounded like things I’ve heard from Russian nationalists many times.”
Stephen Bannon, who has emerged as the White House’s most influential adviser,
clearly believes in ideological alliances, and Trump seems open to them.
He says that fewer tensions with Russia would benefit the United States, which is a reasonable position.
Because many American banks wouldn’t lend money to Trump’s debt-soaked company, he had to look elsewhere, like Russia.
and the Senate Intelligence Committee will need to focus first on what happened —
whether Trump’s team broke any laws and whether the president has lied about it.
Of course, Syria can’t explain all of Trump’s Russia ties.
Trump’s Russia Motives -
The mystery at the core of the Trump-Russia story is motive.
But never has a president had such murky ties to a foreign government as hostile as Putin’s.