LonelyGirl15 Founders

2008-05-08 2

Thursday, May 08, 2008 www.beet.tv lonelygirl15 Founders Building Digital Studio: "We're Going to Teach Hollywood How to Do it Right" LOS ANGELES -- The co-producers of lonelygirl15, Miles Beckett and Greg Goodfried, have raised $5 million in venture funding, moved into their new offices, just got their computers this week and are hiring. The funding was announced last month. The new company is called EQAL. Bree_270x360_150x200 I caught up with Miles and Greg on Monday night at a reception for Digital Hollywood. They talked about the success of lonelygirl15 and the British spin-off KateModern. They explained the goal of the new studio and the various monetization schemes around their video, which is largely in-show product mentions and licensing. Above is Jessica Rose, star of lonelygirl15. The said that a number of shows are in development and talks are underway with major movie studios. Miles is confident that the company can move the digital needle in Hollywood. He told me, "We're going to teach Hollywood how to do it right." More power to you, Miles and Greg -- Hollywood can use some help and it's innovators like you two who will surely impact the industry. You have already. -- Andy Plesser