Cervical Cancer Screening Market in US and Canada

2017-02-22 2

Canada, United States Cervical Cancer Screening Market & Patients, By Test Type (Pap Smear HPV DNA VIA) in North America report published by Renub Research provides a comprehensive analysis and forecast till 2020. This report provides a complete analysis of 2 Countries Cervical Cancer Test Market & Number of Cervical Cancer Population.
Cervical cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer death for North American women. It is estimated that over 4,000 women in the United States and 400 women in Canada die from cervical cancer in 2016. However, it is also one of the most preventable types of cancer. Pap smear and HPV DNA test are two most popular testing methods to diagnose cervical cancer cases in North America. United States is the leader in North America cervical cancer test market. It holds over 90 percent testing population share alone, and is likely to maintain its position in forecasting period as well due to women getting regular Pap tests.

Download full Report: http://www.renub.com/canada-united-states-cervical-cancer-screening-market-and-patients-by-test-type-pap-smear-hpv-dna-via-in-north-america-997-p.php