Pakistan Police Kill 2 Suicide Bombers, Blunting Attack on Courts

2017-02-22 1

Pakistan Police Kill 2 Suicide Bombers, Blunting Attack on Courts
A bomber detonated his suicide vest outside the main entrance of the district courts in Charsadda to provide cover for the two other bombers to enter,
but the police shot and killed the two, said Suhail Khalid, a district police officer.
21, 2017
PESHAWAR, Pakistan — Two suicide bombers were fatally shot
and a third blew himself up on Tuesday while trying to attack a courthouse in northern Pakistan as violence continued to hit the country.
Mr. Khalid, the police officer, said that the two bombers in Charsadda who were
killed by the police detonated their vests before they were fatally shot.
The courthouse assault came after the country’s deadliest attack in years, a suicide bombing
that killed at least 88 people at a shrine in Sindh on Friday.
Jamaat-e-Ahrar, designated in August as a terrorist organization by the United States, was believed to be behind
the twin suicide bombings in an administrative compound in Mohmand last week that killed five people.
The group also claimed a suicide bombing at a protest camp in Lahore two days before the Mohmand bombing.