Lindsay Lohan Says She Was Profiled for Wearing a Headscarf

2017-02-21 1

Here’s something we didn’t expect to hear: Lindsay Lohan was racially profiled while in the UK.

Yep, the troubled actress told a British talk show that she was pointed out while wearing a headscarf at London’s Heathrow Airport while traveling to New York. She claims that an airport worker opened her passport and saw her name and started immediately apologizing, but then told her to take off her headscarf.

Lohan said the incident made her wonder how another woman who isn’t comfortable taking off her headscarf feel.

It’s not the first time she’s donned a headscarf.

And she’s even gone on record saying that Islam is a beautiful religion and she’s been finding solace studying their holy text.

Prior to the incident, Lohan was returning from Turkey where she met the president of the country.